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Writing a Custom Transformer

If ImageGuru's bundled transformers don't meet your needs, you can easily write your own. Transformers must implement the craft\base\imagetransforms\ImageTransformerInterface interface, which requires the following methods:

public function getTransformUrl(Asset $asset, ImageTransform $imageTransform, bool $immediately = false): stringReturns the URL for an image transform
public function invalidateAssetTransforms(Asset $asset): voidInvalidates all transforms for an asset

Additionally ImageGuru will pass a VolumeTransformSettings model to the transformer's constructor, which can be used to pass configuration to the transformer. See the Configuring Transformers for details.

You can then use your transformer with ImageGuruin just the same way you'd use a bundled transformer, by adding it to the enabledTransformers config option in your config/imageguru.php file, and applying it to a volume in the volumes config option.

return [
  'enabledTransformers' => [
  'volumes' => [
    '*' => 
      'transformer' => '\\modules\\transformers\\CustomTransformer',
      'transformBaseUrl' => getenv('TRANSFORM_BASE_URL'),